English is a fun language, and learning varied aspects of it is a delightful experience. But, do note that there are certain confusing elements in it, too. Among varied aspects of the English language, learning about common English idioms is very crucial. Wondering why? Well, we are going to tell you that now.

Imagine you have come for dinner with your buddies at a restaurant. You are chit-chatting with others, and suddenly you hear one of your friends discussing random things and saying, “Come on, it is time to bite the bullet. Break a leg, and rock your new journey.” Now, you may get highly confused with this statement. Even if you know English, and try to translate it into your native language, the literal meaning of what your friend said will just puzzle you all the more.

Do you know why such a thing will be impossible for you to comprehend? Well, this is because “bite the bullet” and “break a leg” are idioms. These are the expressions that have completely contrasting meanings to what the usual meanings of the words hold. “Bite a bullet” doesn’t mean to chew a bullet, of course! Similarly, “break a leg” doesn’t imply injuring someone. While “bite the bullet” implies getting over any evident issue, “break a leg” means wishing someone good luck.

Yes, that’s what idioms are! Keep reading this article till the end to know about the top 15 common English idioms along with their meanings. Learn more about the English idioms and give an edge to your usage of this language with the idioms that we are going to share with you now.

Idiom #1: Call it a day

Call it a day implies to stop doing or mark the end of something. This is regularly used as a part of a sentence to tell someone to bring a conclusion to or end something. So, now you know what this idiom means, you see?

Idiom #2: Draw the line

To draw the line implies understanding the boundaries or limits of something. This idiom is often used to ask someone to know the limit beyond which things are no more right to do or say. Now, how clear it is for you?

Idiom #3: Miss the boat

What is meant when someone uses the idiom miss the boat is to imply the meaning that something has got late or been delayed. Have you heard this idiom being used anytime while conversing with someone else? Well, if yes, now you know what it means!

Idiom #4: Put your foot in your mouth

If you translate the literal meaning of the wordings of this idiom, it would sound utterly absurd to you. But, guess what? Put your foot in your mouth actually means saying something that you shouldn’t have said at that moment. Next time, if anyone uses this idiom, you will know what it means. What say?

Idiom #5: Let the cat out of the bag

The idiom let the cat out of the bag is used to refer to disclosing a secret or confidential fact by mistake. Isn’t this idiom quite an interesting one?

Idiom #6: By the skin of your teeth

Now, this expression truly gives off a completely weird meaning if you are unaware of the idiomatical implication. Whenever you do something, complete any work, or reach somewhere without taking up a great deal of time, the idiom by the skin of your teeth is used. If you do anything by consuming the littlest amount of time, you can say that you have completed the deed by the skin of your teeth.

Idiom #7: I could eat a horse

Well, now that’s quite a humorous idiom! Just think, can anyone ever eat a horse in the literal sense? Of course, not! So, the idiom of I could eat a horse implies that someone is way too hungry and wants to gobble up lots of food to make up for the intense craving and hunger.

Idiom #8: Sit tight

If you translate sit tight, you get an unpleasant connotation. After all, one can’t really sit in that fashion. So, whenever anyone uses the idiom sit tight, know that they are asking you to sit patiently and not move or take any action until they are asking you to do so.

Idiom #9: A Tough Cookie

Can you already understand what the idiom a tough cookie actually means? Well, don’t think someone is mentioning a very hard and tough-to-bite cookie. This expression is used to refer to someone’s tough personality, intense mental strength and sheer determination while doing/to do something.

Idiom #10: On the ball

The idiom on the ball is used to refer to a person who is cautious and efficient at any work they are assigned with. If it is said that someone is on the ball, it means that they are perfectionists. Learning about these common English idioms is fun, you see?

Idiom #11: To get bent out of shape

To get bent out of space doesn’t mean that someone has got fatter or thinner. This idiom means to feel sad and get upset.

Idiom #12: Your guess is as good as mine

This expression is very commonly used everywhere. Your guess is as good as mine is used when someone has no idea or clue about a particular topic or situation.

Idiom #13: Once In A Blue Moon

You already know about the implication of this idiom, right? Well, this widely used idiom once in a blue moon is used to refer to something rare and not largely available.

Idiom #14: A taste of your own medicine

This idiom refers to a situation when a person has received just or bad treatment for their evil actions. So, you see, how well a taste of your own medicine fits well into the frame of its meaning?

Idiom #15: Pull someone’s leg

No! No one is actually pulling anyone’s leg in the actual sense when you hear a person say this expression. To pull someone’s leg is to kid or joke with them. This has to be one of the most common English idioms. Of course, you agree, right?

Final Words

Idiomatic phrases are fun to read! But, these have completely different meanings and have no link to the wordings used in the idioms. Now that you know about these top 15 common English idioms, we are sure that you can’t go wrong in interpreting these the next time you hear someone say these. Use these idioms and give your conversational skills a sharp edge. Good luck!