One of the most effective strategies to enhance your spoken English is to form an English Speaking Club (or an English Conversation Circle). English clubs provide an informal, casual setting for English language students to communicate and improve their speaking. Participants in English-speaking groups generally improve two skills: speaking and listening. An English Speaking Club is an incredible place to actually practice if you want to improve your English fluency and confidence. Today, we’d like to give some tips on how to efficiently create and maintain an English Speaking Club.
Keep the English Speaking Club to a maximum of 10 persons.
Don’t overcrowd the English Speaking Club. The idea is to give everyone a chance to speak on a regular basis, which is impossible to achieve in a large group. Furthermore, some English learners may be afraid of making mistakes next to a large group, so having a more appropriate, smaller group makes it easier for everyone to speak up.
At least three times a week, meet for 1-2 hours.
It all comes down to practice when it comes to enhancing your language speaking skills. The more time you spend speaking a language every day, the sooner you will notice an improvement. Ensure that your Spoken English group meets on a regular basis and practices for a few hours. Some members will find it more difficult to commit than others, so expect a few vacant seats now and then.
The English Speaking Club should have a moderator or dialogue leader.
Your English conversation circle, like most other group activities, will require a leader or facilitator. This posture can be changed for each meeting, and it will most likely function better. The primary role of the discussion leader is to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to speak. In addition, the conversation leader may be the first to speak. In some cases, having the conversation leader recommend a topic for discussion makes sense, but having a list of topics already selected is even a better approach.
Choose subjects that are appropriate for the group’s skill level.
Begin with elementary topics and work your way up to more sophisticated topics. Movies and climate are fine, but if the participants are at a more moderate level and attempting to become advanced language speakers, be keen to debate more difficult matters like the global climate change problem or whether abortion should be legal. And, in most cases, when you begin practicing at a higher level, the beginner level students work more and, as a result, benefit more.
While visiting your new Speaking Club, your group should use English only.
This is a non-negotiable point. Returning to your native tongue is simple and natural. This happens in practically every conversation group. Prepare to speak up and bring the conversation back to English. Understand that the prime objective of starting a conversational club is to study and improve English speaking, and therefore you should make sure that the group stays focused on that goal.
And even if you can’t find a lot of friends willing to participate, you can always practice online with the help of our Discord server!
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