English speaking practice is predicated on the premise that learning English grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation does not need spending money. There are plenty of free resources available to help you improve your grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation in your own time. Spending money on practicing speaking with native teachers will allow you to use what you’ve learned in real-life situations. When you think about that, this is precisely how kids learn a language flawlessly. They “absorb” sentence patterns, new words, and sounds, and use them in their speech. They don’t use textbooks or memorization to learn.

So, what are some free tools that English language learners may utilize to improve their speaking skills? Here are eight of our favorites, along with recommendations about how to integrate them into your study. We’ve tried to keep the list as diversified as possible, with options for beginners, kids, intermediate, and expert ESL students.

BBC English Language Learning

BBC English
One of the most excellent locations to study English for free is the BBC’s English Learning webpage. It includes activities such as vocabulary tests, role-playing games, interactive films, and grammar lectures, among others. Students will find the learning materials to be both new and entertaining because they are updated on a daily basis.

Please keep in mind, nevertheless, that BBC English Learning concentrates on British English. So, if mastering American is your aim, this may not be the best website for you to utilize on a regular basis.


This is a website for youngsters who want to learn the language, but it’s also helpful for adults who are just starting out. It’s a fun, engaging approach for parents to educate their children about the essentials of English. There is a premium edition of the website that is ad-free, but we recommend starting with the free version because it offers a lot of learning material to get you started.

ABCya! is a fantastic place to start if you’re an adult searching for a basic English course. Basic vocabulary may be learned, as well as how to construct simple phrases.


Although TED is not a typical study website, if you are an intermediate or higher intermediate English language student, you may utilize its vast library of videos to:
1) Improve your pronunciation and listening abilities.
2) In a conventional way, enhance your vocabulary.
3) Learn how to speak the language at the proper tempo.

Furthermore, TED.com is a wonderful resource for anyone looking to improve their language speaking skills. Tired of learning the same fundamentals in English classes? Try TED.com and you’ll be surprised about how exciting the learning process can be.


We encourage our students to use Quora, a non-traditional English study site. Do you get tired of learning new words from the dictionary? Quora may help you learn new terms and build up your vocabulary. Do you want to enhance your reading, writing, and speaking skills? Again, Quora is a fantastic resource for this.

The capacity to generate English phrases in your brain is an important component of being proficient in a new language. The only way to achieve this is to completely immerse oneself in English. Quora is a fantastic resource for this.

Urban Dictionary

Do you comprehend standard English but become perplexed when native speakers employ slang or other kinds of colloquial English? The Urban Dictionary is an excellent resource for learning slang and casual phrases.

The truth is that native language speakers do not speak the way textbooks teach it. Real English is not the same as classroom one. A natural speaker, for example, will employ terms like Ain’t and Gotcha. “What’s up man” or “How’s everything going?” are some phrases you could hear them say.

It’s alright if you’re still unsure about using slang while speaking. The majority of ESL students are not. You should, however, be able to understand them when they are used by native speakers. Only then you will communicate properly and effectively.


If you want to study solid American English, NPR is a hidden gem. On the NPR website, you can find a wealth of information. Furthermore, because the information is up to date and interesting, you will be able to improve your English by learning about current events and news.

If your language level is intermediate or advanced, for improving your American, NPR is the place to go.

The English Club

English club
If you have a fast question about grammar or vocabulary and want to obtain a response, the English club community is a terrific free resource. It is one of the most vibrant English language communities on the internet. Unlike most other English forums on the internet, the English Club community replies promptly and is moderated by a large network of language instructors and specialists.

So, the next time you need assistance with an essay or a test, post your issue on their wonderful forum and see if anyone can assist you.