We are frequently asked language-related questions on our Discord server. A lot of them sound like this: “I’m a beginner level English student. I only know a few words in English. Can I start speaking?”.

Even students with beginner English skills are encouraged to start communicating as soon as possible on our Discord. You will never improve your speaking skills if you do not speak. It is preferable to begin speaking practice now rather than wait until you have impeccable grammar and a large vocabulary. When you begin speaking, your grammar and vocabulary will improve automatically.

So what Conversation topics do we use with beginner-level English students?
Conversation subjects for someone who is just starting with the language should be straightforward and provide plenty of opportunities to acquire and utilize basic vocabulary phrases. Consider these exchanges as building blocks: language fragments that you can utilize later in a longer or more complex conversation with someone you’ve recently met.

Here are some things that beginners in English should feel comfortable discussing:

Work or school

The majority of those who are learning English will either be in school or working. You can talk about where your school or workplace is (downtown? In the country? ), how you get there (vehicle, bus, foot, etc. ), what you do there (read, conduct meetings, have lunch), and who you see while you’re there (teachers, bosses, colleagues, or classmates).

Shopping for groceries

Everyone needs to eat, therefore understanding how to buy food in English is essential. Learning the names of goods such as fruits and vegetables, meats, and cheese, as well as talking about money and pricing, nutrition, and health, are all part of discussing the grocery shop. This can assist kids in learning how to inquire about prices and make a basic financial transactions.


Cooking is strongly tied to shopping and introduces a new word set. How will you prepare the food once you got it from the store? Do you like to cook? In your household, who does the cooking? Can you describe your favorite recipes? What are some of the typical foods from your homeland? Do you consume different dishes on special events and holidays? Cooking discussions are also beneficial for learning terms related to preferences (like, dislike, enjoy, avoid, etc.).


When you talk about where you reside, you get a lot of useful vocabulary practice. Are you a homeowner, an apartment dweller, or a farmer? Who do you share your home with? What kind of furnishings do you have? What colors are used in the rooms? You can also discuss what you enjoy doing at home, such as reading, watching TV, playing games, sleeping, and so on. This will assist you in learning the terminology for rooms and furniture in your home.


Discussing your family is a logical extension of the preceding. What is the size of your family? Who are your parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts and uncles, and cousins? Do you have step-parents or siblings, if somebody gets divorced or remarried? Who is the oldest and youngest sibling? This is useful for learning the names of various relatives and explaining terms like son, daughter, nephew, cousin, and so on.


Another simple and enjoyable topic of conversation for new language speakers is pets. Do you own any animals? What kind of animal are they, if so? Maybe the names of your pets? Their ages? You can discuss how you look after them, such as walking the dog or feeding the fish. Would you prefer a pet if you don’t own one? Do you have allergies that restrict you from doing so? This topic is excellent for learning the names of popular domestic animals as well as constructing short sentences using simple verbs.


The weather is undoubtedly the most overused topic in history, but for good reason: it affects everyone, regardless of where they live, and it’s crucial to know how to talk about it. Is it sunny or rainy outside? Snowing? Is it hot or cold where you live and do you have seasons, or is it rather consistent all year? Do you really need a coat or an umbrella today? What does the weather forecast say? This is also useful in learning to use the future tense.


Every beginner-level English learner should be able to talk about clothing. You can discuss what you’re wearing, what color it is, what additional clothes you have, what you need to wear to school, work, or other locations, and so on.


You can discuss your friends: who they are and how/where you met them. How long have you been friends? What activities do you enjoy doing together? Do you have any long-distance friends? This is a fantastic opportunity to discuss feelings – how do our buddies make us feel?

And lastly: to blow your mind even more, here are 416 additional topics. They are divided into 23 categories (with a number of entries in brackets), so you can navigate through them more easily.

Extra topic categories

Beginner (44)
Intermediate (63)
Advanced (34)
Advertising (10)
Ambitions (10)
Competitiveness (10)
Controversial (20)
Culture Differences for Adults (12)
Culture Differences for Kids (8)
Economic issues (10)
Have you ever… (20)
If you… (21)
Independence (10)
Lifestyles (10)
Other (11)
Personal (10)
Role models (10)
Stereotypes (10)
The arts (10)
The media (10)
The rights of the individual (10)
Would you rather… (53)
Young people’s rights (10)

416 English conversation topics